The Reaperman

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Conversations with a girl

Oct 19

"In every real man a child is hiddenthat wants to play" - Friedrich Nietzche

Isnt this a really cool quote... I think the writings of this guy arerealy amazing. You should check out his work on the net when you havetime.

I think that its such a shame that we become adults. Cuz then we loose everything thats amazing abou being a child. Curiosity, fun, beinghappy etc. You know what i mean...

CS Lewis said (and i love this quote as well) in his narniabooks... 'some day you will be old enuf to start reading fairy tales again"... so cool no?

Another frnd of mine wrote once..."'would their be any children ifthere were no fairytales?"

I hated becoming 20. i wanted to be 19 again. I was so scared that ihave not lived my teen years as fully as i wanted to. Not done things that i should do and scared that i wont get a chance to them again.Thats why i never say no to something new.Being a child again. Its amazing that we are searching for somethingthat we once had, when we should never have lost it in the first place. Don't know why i am becoming philosophical. Just ignore theseramblings.


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